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Buckley: This Lester debate is not amusing

Buckley: This Lester debate is not amusing

“You mean, let me understand this "cause, ya know maybe it"s me, I"m a little (naughty words that can"t be printed) maybe, but I"m funny how, I mean funny like I"m a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I"m here to (same naughty word) amuse you? What …
Read more on Boston Herald

Dystopian "California" amusing, if not convincing

Beyond that, the book"s critique of our culture"s ridiculous back-to-the-land fantasies is amusing. Yet some of her choices are less convincing. For example, no matter how much we are told it means to her, I"m still not sure what significance to draw …
Read more on Concord Monitor

Amusing bumper stickers spice up long car trip

My family recently took a trip to Kiawah Island, South Carolina. And much to my dismay, we were traveling by car. Needless to say, I wasn"t looking forward to an 11-hour drive crammed in the backseat with no legroom and an antsy 7-year-old to my left.
Read more on Burlington County Times

Reader sends in amusing photo

HOBOKEN — A reader of the Hoboken Reporter sent in this photo. She wrote, "saw these two books for free on a stoop on Garden Street and just smiled at the dichotomy of the two. Thought you might want to put it in the paper as an indication of the …
Read more on The Hudson Reporter

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