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Maripat Donovan offers amusing advice in interactive 'Neanderthal' in Hermosa ...

Maripat Donovan offers amusing advice in interactive "Neanderthal" in Hermosa

Let"s be clear from the outset: The one-woman show “I Married a Neanderthal and Other Modern Problems” does not bash men. It gently ribs them, but, hey, who can"t take a little ribbing? And Honey Buczkowski, the life coach who hosts this show, er, …
Read more on Daily Breeze

Reader sends in amusing photo

HOBOKEN — A reader of the Hoboken Reporter sent in this photo. She wrote, "saw these two books for free on a stoop on Garden Street and just smiled at the dichotomy of the two. Thought you might want to put it in the paper as an indication of the …
Read more on Hudson Reporter

"Magic in the Moonlight" is an amusing trifle of a film

In "Magic in the Moonlight," an amusing trifle and sugary truffle of a film, Woody Allen dallies with some of his favorite themes — true romance, magicians and spirituality — and favorite tropes — beautiful women and scenery. The movie stars Colin …
Read more on Los Angeles Times

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