Answers to biggest health questions that my surprise you

Definitive answers to 18 of your biggest health questions, here we go:

Does olive oil prevent heart disease? Answer : Yes !

Do cough syrups really work? Answer: No !


These colourful syrups contain doses of codeine and dextromethorphan that are too small to be effective.

Only cough suppressants that contain other antihistamines

 seem to relieve coughs.


Do I need sunscreen with more than 30 SPF?

Answer: No !

Is the MSG in Asian dishes likely to give you a headache?

Answer: No !

Do nuts make you fat? Answer: No !

Is walking as effective as running? Answer: Yes !


Walking is the best possible exercise.

Habituate yourself to walk very far.


Is drinking fruit juice as good for you as eating fruit?

 Answer: No !

Are all wheat bread better for you than white bread?

Answer: No ! 

 Can a hot tub make me sick? Answer: Yes!


Hot tubs in spas, hotels, and gyms are perfect breeding grounds for germs. The water is hot enough to kill bacteria, but is just the right temperature to make microbes grow even faster. The heat in the tub causes the Chlorine based disinfectant to break down faster than it would in regular pool. The most common hot tub infection is pseudomonas folliculitis, which causes red, itchy bumps.




Does coffee cause cancer? Answer: No !

Do eggs raise cholesterol level? Answer: No !

Can you drink too much water? Answer: Yes !


Over-hydrating is most common among elite athletes. Drinking an excess of water, call water intoxication, dilutes the concentration of sodium in the blood leading to a condition known as hyponatremia.

Its symptoms can range from nausea and confusion of seizures and even death in severe cases.


Can yogurt ease digestive problems? Answer: Yes !

 Do whitening toothpastes whiten teeth more than regular toothpastes? Answer: No !

Is it safe to microwave food in plastic containers?

Answer: Yes !

Can watching TV ruin your eye sight?

 Answer: No !

Is red wine better for you than white wine?

 Answer: Yes !

Is bottled water better for you than tap water?

 Answer: No !


Many thanks to Lim YC for sharing.

Alan  CY  Kok

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