Some unhealthy trends in the country

What rubbish are you talking about? Yes, unfortunately many politicians are talking rubbish without being asked for their opinions. Malaysia is one laughing stalk among the Asean nations.

The Orang-utans are national icons of the wildlife but here the image is used to mock the ethics of some silly, uninvited shaman who claimed to be expert to find the up-till-now missing MAS MH370 jet.

The ill-fated passenger plane of the national flight carrier disappeared from the radar screen on March 2014.

This is simply being stupid, ludicrous and incredibly disgusting.

In two of his appearance at the KLIA, the “bomoh” wore a full suit

as if he’s a full fledged cabinet minister.

The orang-utan could do much better

tricks than the human clown.

Here the large sized primate-the mountain

 Gorilla of Africa popped

 up a middle finger!

He’s more or less reduced to primate status.

School girls! All clad in their religious

Muslim school uniform! Hope they understand

the meaning of the middle-finger aesthetics.

Some villagers in their traditional attire were seen flashing their middle fingers without inhibition. Some of them have long fingers, indicating that they’re intelligent beings.

The Chief Minister of Pahang State, Adnan Yaakob put up some unsavoury hand signals to villagers who jeered at him, in midst of some supporters.

 How could I, a God fearing, religious man show those despicable hand gesture to my beloved electorate? Unfortunately there are substantial photographic proof.


Oh yeah, the then de facto law minister and currently the tourism

 minister Nazri showed his favourite fingering gesture to express his displeasure.

The smart chimpanzee couldn’t help but

begins to laugh non-stop.


 Sharizat, the Women’s affair minister and the ruling UMNO women’s wing leader claimed to have nothing to do with the application and obtaining a huge loan amounting to RM250millions her husband Salleh secured from the government. The sum borrowed was meant to set up a National Feedlot Corporation to supply beef to all quarters in the country. Now the Federal government is scratching the head how the loan could be given out so blatantly, and how to recover it.

The Prime Minister’s wife, the self-appointed FLOM visited Indonesia, wearing the local cow-horn shaped headgear. Together with her husband they both claim ancestral allegiance to Indonesia with roots in Sulawesi and Sumatra.   

PM and his wife seen with superfluous

smile of great happiness.

“Honey, what’s up for dinner?”

Why, you seldom see me smiling or laughing?

This rapist-murderer was on the run in Australia for 5 years until recently. He tailed a newly graduated Chinese girl in her neighbourhood, before raping her and murdering her. Traces of his sperm was found in the body of the victim. Her family, particularly her father was so heart-broken that the senior man attempted suicide at the court house when the court found Shahril Jaafar not guilty. Upon appeal by the prosecution, the perpetrator was re-arrested. Now the case is still going on. The alleged rapist cum murderer is the son of a titled person, a “Datuk”. The older man and wife had admitted to the police force that they helped to dispose the weapon, a knife that killed the poor victim. However they were not arrested. The reason: The investigation officer was not instructed to do so. There was no word about the arrest from his superior. The Chinese words printed on the image read: Beast

Mohd. Rizalman Bin Ismail, a Malaysian military attaché based in Wellington, New Zealand was arrested on charges of burglary and assault with intent to commit rape at a Brooklyn home. He quickly left for home country when bail was granted, much to the chagrin of the NZ leaders and the nation.  Back home in Kuala Lumpur, the foreign ministry arranged Rizalman to undergo psychiatric check to determine if he were fit to stand trial in NZ. A decision was made finally; the shamed military officer-diplomat was finally sent back and hauled to face trial in NZ on Oct. 24th.


Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir has so far refused to keep quiet with regards to how his successors run the country. Both those in the ruling and the opposition parties are trying to avoid him. So far he has only had the supports of some Malay right groups who are making some ruckus aiming to jab PM Najib here and there.

Mahathir is constantly complaining this and that.

I didn’t expect there’re beasts behaving worse than me.

The Attorney General says: You need to have substantial

proof & evidence to charge or sue a person.

Woman road-bully Kiki earned her instant notoriety when she threatened a senior citizen with her steering lock, shouting racial slurs during an argument involving her car. An eye-witness video-taped the incident and posted it at the FB.

You guys in Malaysia really could do anything!

 Malaysia’s 1st PM, the late Honourable Tengku Abdul Rahman had insisted on an equal, harmonious society in a multi-racial country.

One of the most respected, popular and distinguished

Malaysian lady – Ambiga. She is well-known as a  

 leader in human rights.

Retired Senior Mentor Minister and founder PM of Singapore was quoted to have said: The race-based policy of Malaysia has resulted the massive loss of brain-drain. Well said; Singapore has been greatly benefitted from this short-coming of its immediate neighbour. 30 thousand Malaysians or more cross the border to work in Singapore on a permanent basis. Many of them have taken up Singapore citizenship.

Malaysia has never been short of brilliant, distinguished human resources. We have the advantage and better edge to master few languages at any one time. The neighbouring countries are envious that most of the citizens here could speak three languages or more.

We have world class professionals in all fields but many experienced persons have chosen to work or immigrate elsewhere due to race-based politics. In their heart, they love the country so much that they would not sever the link.  Most would return for holidays to rekindle their passion for food, to visit places of lingering nostalgia and to meet old friends and folks.

March 21st - World Harmony Day to 

remove racial discrimination.



                                          for reading




 faithfully yours

Alan CY Kok           


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