Monkey Colony - How do they choose their leader?

The Rhesus Macaques are commonly found in

SEA nations as well as in South-Western China

 and Indian Continents.

In the South-Western Chinese province of Yunnan, there lay a remote, way-laid village surrounded by low hills with narrow, meandering mountain streams running through it. The mainly poor farmers in the village had to endure annoying disturbances from hundreds of primate monkeys dwelling next to them at the low-hills in the neighbourhood.  The higher mountains were rather uninhibited and far away. When nightfall came the monkeys in hordes to intrude the village for plunder, thievery and looting. The wild primates caused widespread damage to farm lands where unripe fruit were plucked, rice fields were stampede on, large porcelain jars containing storage water were broken wantonly, clothing on cloth lines were torn apart, meal dishes on dining tables were eaten when no one was around. They were having the whale of time rampaging.

Monkeys lining up, waiting for

instruction to raid a village.


In the beginning the villagers were rather helpless and disoriented. Ultimately the villagers observed that so long the monkeys’ leader were caught, the pack of the mischief doers would dispersed until a new leader was chosen. The villagers identified unanimously that the leader of the pack would be one that was young and strong, ferocious and daring, and a burly one who was always at the frontal aggression.

This tamed monkey is trained to pluck coconuts from the tree top. If the lady ever knew that it bared its fangs, she would be scared. This species of primates is commonly found in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

During a raid of the village, several seemingly leaders of the perpetrators were caught by crafty traps set up by the village folks. Days followed they realised to their horror the attack on their village was still on going. The monkeys seemed to be more incessant to rampage, and were more vigilante and alert, They were determined to find food and once their aims were reached, they withdrew to their hide-outs at the adjacent low hills.  The cunning monkeys had their manoeuvre changed with more raiding, and more frequent of their appearance. The loss of the farmers were immense, they were greatly demoralised and frustrated.

A male macaque stood vigilante to observe if there were any intruder.

One day, a fire-wood collector entered the fringe of the forest near the low hills for his strenuous chores. He chanced upon a pack of the rascally primates gathering around a small-built, young but matured monkey. They seemed to kowtow in submission and obedience to the young leader as it commanded their movements which included the distribution of food obtained from their raid. The fire-wood collector observed that the small-sized monkey was never seen in the village.  The villager who was in hiding, slipped away quietly and reported his sighting to the village chief.

The Golden snub-nose monkeys are

found in abundance in Yunnan.

After few subsequent observations the villagers concluded their finding that the skinny little bodied monkey was the indisputable leader of the pack. It did not join his group to raid and to plunder. It remained in their hide-out to plan and instruct their next onslaught to the village. It smartly and orderly regulated the distribution of food, and planned an escape route when their task was accomplished. In such way the was a reducing number of monkeys being held captive. Food rations among their pack had also increased. As humans, the villagers deemed the war against the primates had never ceased; it was an on going effort. Soon they surrounded the monkey pack’s hide-outs with modern warfare like fire power and some primitive weapons. Majority of the primates were either caught, killed or maimed; few escaped with some injuries. The frequent disturbances against their village had finally come to an end.

A family of Golden snub-nose monkeys

is kept in a Chinese Zoo.

The dusky monkey aka Spectacle monkey and its golden coloured young baby.

Like its distant relative the Golden snub-nose, it possess thick lips.

In a large corporation, a capable leader may not know the intricacy and detail of operations of other departments apart from his warm-seated corporate office. There is only one minimum requirement, i.e. run it well as a distinguished administrator. Corporate administrators, who are CEOs, presidents and managing directors, are the unshakable pillars of the corporate conglomerates. Their goal is to guide all their staffers and managers to a correct, healthy path leading towards a vibrant future.

This is a chimpanzee, a favourite pet among humans.

It’s commonly seen in movies.

                                                             for reading!

A translated effort by

Alan CY Kok


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