Stunning Mural Mosaics

Lewis Lavoie created his first mural mosaic in 1997, for a retaining wall next to an art gallery in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada. For this, the artist painted hundreds of individual paintings that were ultimately assembled to make up the face of Michelangelo’s David. It was a monumental achievement that helped Lavoie gain international attention for his unique style. But that was only the beginning of the mural mosaic movement, as seven years later Lewis takes his ingenious concept to the next level, by inviting 70 different artists to create the first community mural mosaic. During a live 24-hour painting marathon, each artist makes his contribution to the “Heritage Fiddler” mosaic.
 Each painting that goes into a mural mosaic reflects an individual’s unique creativity and style. When a painting is completed it is carefully placed in sequence within the mural to assemble one masterpiece. The most unique aspect of this creative process is that the artists are all given a blank panel and the liberty to paint whatever they want, within the theme of the project. However, the final image assembled by Lewis Lavoie is always kept a secret until the unveiling.
