Weirdest Types Of Hell

The House of Lies


In the medieval Persian religion of Zoroastrianism, spirits right after dying first cross a bridge and meet up with a young lady who symbolizes the personification of their actions in lifetime. If the dead person has led an effective life, she appears gorgeous, while to the sinner she is horrible. It doesn't get better for them, also: sinners are next thrown into the House of Lies, where the damned endlessly actually eat 'foul meals. '.



To get to this unique underworld from Babylonian mythology, the dead first of all move through seven gateways, bribing the gatekeeper at each of them with a part of their own clothes or jewelry. Probably the most demoralizing factor about this Babylonian hell, though, was that it wasn't really punishment for main wrongdoing – with the exception of several heroes, all people went certainly, there.



This was the last destination for Vikings who had the bad luck not to die a glorious death. In contrast to newest versions of Hell, Helheim was very cold. The entry was protected by a four-eyed, blood-soaked hound known as Garmr, and by several accounts the entire area was observed over by a gigantic eagle named 'corpse-eater' whose wings produced the freezing wind.

Avici, or the Hell of No Interval


If you're a follower of True Land Buddhism, this is actually the worst type of hell you can actually finish up in. It's so terrible that you may only arrive there by committing one of the five 'grave sins': simply, you will need to kill an extremely holy person, a Buddha, or your parents.



In certain types of Hindu hell, victims are in fact in some way required to perform their very own punishments, for example climbing down and up spiny trees that rip them to pieces.

Black Thread Hell


The book this kind of hell is shown in explains a complete of sixteen hells, eight 'cold' and eight 'hot. ' Another versions have also descriptive names, such as 'Crushing Hell' and also 'Loud Screaming Hell'.


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