Things Kids Today Will Never Have

1.  Making a mix tape
Recording songs off the radio, DJ intro and all.

2. Rewinding a tape
And then messing the tape up completely.

3. Prank calling people
And not worrying about getting arrested for harassment.

4. These drinks
5. Dodgeball

What's not fun about being hit in the face with a ball?

6. Arcades


7. Unsafe toys
Toys are so much better when you can get seriously injured using them.

8. Music on MTV
Before reality TV… there was music.

9. Using a phonebook
When you have your name in the phonebook you ARE somebody.

10. Not knowing who is calling

Before Caller ID ruined everything. Also, before payphones disappeared.

11. Using film

RIP cool pictures.

12. Actually needing a watch

Now it's more a fashion thing.

13. Changing the channel

Standing up? Screw that.

14. Making your first website on Geocities

And also MIDI music. And Creed. So good.

15. Actually memorizing a phone number

I still remember my friend's house phone numbers from years ago.

16. Going out and being off the grid

Remember when your parents had no idea where you were? Not anymore.

17. The Walkman

Or any other music listening device that didn't hold every song you have.

18. Fixing a casette tape with a pencil

The most fun you can have with a pencil, right?

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